Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sudden - Saddened

It is always sad to lose a person you love through an accident.  The sudden loss that leaves you feeling cold & angry at the same time..where the only consolation is in the knowledge that the one you lost left a good impression among the people left behind, in the awareness that your loved one has touched many lives 
even strangers who come up to you to relay their condolences. Somehow you're warmed by the fact that the person you lost has actually lived a full life, of love & generosity.  

For that is the how I felt when my mom died of an accident several years back.  There was no describing the pall of gloom that descended in our household upon realization that she is gone forever, no longer would  we witness her smile that often comforts us, the support and faith she has for us even when we ourselves are falling short of our own expectations, the love and care, and the leadership she has shown managing a one-parent family (after my father died of a heart attack years prior to her death, she was left all alone to take care of us).

Knowing that there is no one to replace and  fill in that void she left is enough to make us undergo a transformation not exactly of our own choosing..painful is not even enough to express how it felt.

And now, looking at the current events, watching a stranger but a very public figure also meet an untimely death, one can only emphatize & symphatize with the family & the bereaved daughters and wife. But it also reminds us that when goodness has become a way of life, the passing will not come as a mere whimper or a dot on the radar that fades unnoticed.  That when a person led a life that's dedicated to serving others, of offering a love and generous spirit, that warmth, that love extends far beyond the immediate family.  

Still, however comforting &heart-warming those love from others are directed towards those who lost the only light in their lives, that is but a mere alternative, just a token substitute for the dearly departed. For the one we lost could never be replaced. A sudden death by accident ultimately leaves us all saddened..

and that we just have deal with in our own unique way..