Monday, October 3, 2011

Another Again..

yes..that title of this post is borrowed from a song of one of my favorite singers of all time - John Legend. It captures the moment as it is now.

Part of the lyrics pretty much sums up what's happening to us..

'So we did it again
Knowing we should quit it
But we simply won´t admit it
Oh it feels so good, it´s so good but I won´t do it again
It´s so dramatic again
After we go at it we get mad then we go at it again
Oh I love it, then I hate it'..

The question is how long can we keep at it..surely there must be something that would either stop or prod us to go on..There are times when you simply want to say enough is enough and also on the same instant suddenly reverse your decision by the mere twitch of an eyebrow and the teasing twinkle of the eyes. And wham! you're again back to square one.. Like being pulled over by a cyclone either to carry us up high, to feel what heaven tastes like or to pummel us in full force both landing w/a loud thud on the ground -- with a sense of (make that no sense of) whatever..

Hard to define, even harder to explain but never to be apologized or excused for.. we just simply do it again.. and then Another Again..

John Legend - Another Again Music Video