Despite the heartaches of past PBA conferences, the agonies, the cursing of the fates - (or at biased officiating, actually), I remain steadfast on my own fanaticism. This is the only time I allow myself to be a true-blue fan in all its essence. Since 1986 and now 20 years after, my adulation for the team has never wavered. Through players & coaching transfers, I remain a fan, almost loyal to a fault.
Have gone through a lot of almost wrist-slashing moments when players would have sub-par performances in the past years or whenever referees' bad calls will result in losses. The cursing and banging of the hand against any hard, solid surface (like my niece' boom box for instance). Those losses were indeed painful.
After that 2008 championship, the struggle has become real. More so for us Ginebra fans who not only had to contend seeing past favorite players move on to other teams or retire, of coaches we've come to love that were transferred to other teams or got sacked & the many knockout games that resulted unfavorably for our team. But most especially had to endure the endless mocking and insults thrown our way by fans of other teams. Even by some of those not really into basketball but just for the heck of it felt it's their right to throw shade at the Ginebra fans because they cannot understand how a team that seemed to have seen the last of its better days and which almost always got itself kicked out of contention every PBA season should still command such attention and adoration. And how win or lose, and despite being branded 'Kangkong' by haters the fandom could not be shattered. The support is genuine, the faith in the team always shone through, even during the worst game days. The same faith that has also sparked an out of this world applause and cheer whenever a crucial win is secured.
Some would never get it. But most die-hard sports fans especially bonafide Ginebra fans will not find it strange that we've held on for so long. That's just how we hold on to life, mostly.In never-say-die fashion as what we've come to know Ginebra since Jaworski days, who after getting hit and stitched on during a game still returned from the hospital to lead his team to a come-from-behind win.
That's just how it is. If Ginebra is known as the never-say-die team, the fans are known for being never-say-die fans. We'll always be around. We're always around even those agonizing times when we've been mocked as our team became a perennial participant in the haters' imaginary 'Bora Cup' aka 'Boracay cup' - with reference to teams going on an early vacation usually off to the beaches in Boracay after being booted out.
And now - back to the present 2016. Our mighty team Ginebra is back in the Finals. They almost had a chance back in 2013 but got swept by Alaska so this new opportunity at being king and ending the 8-year title drought is what we've fervently hoped for. The time is just soooo ripe!
Since the conference started, I already noticed their game improving tremendously. There's a certain sense of mission, a fluidity to their game that was missing in past months, a renewed passion in how the players move that got the fans excited. Before the eliminations ended, I told my brother that Ginebra is playing like they're finals-bound. The level is just ahead of the other contending teams.
We saw the never-say-die spirit of the team back in harness, even right at the start of the conference. With their main big man Slaughter out due to injury, that did not discourage them and they played even better right from the first game, with renewed enthusiasm shown by the other half of the twin tower- Japeth. And then came Brownlee - we saw his first game, suffering from cramps yet would ask to be fielded back in to fight off cramps and the jetlag. He was in and out during that game but we noticed that the heart is right there. That attitude that wore off the whole team. We saw it on the rebounding prowess of the rookie, Scottie, in the purpose-driven moves of Sol & Devance' leadership that inspires his team.And how we saw that spirit with the way LA Tenorio also came out with his resurgence of sorts reminiscent of 2013 when he almost won the MVP award.
We saw the same never-say-die spirit rubbing off on Coach Tim who in just 3 conferences has really whipped up the team into an instant title-contender. The way he was reacting in the sidelines, turning from mentor to fan on every spectacular play of his team even if it is by his design or by fate's own design.
And then there's the holdovers from the last 2008 title- Mark & Jayjay Helterbrand. Both have shown signs of slowing down but their hearts and passion to win the game and win it for the fans are always there. Despite playing in probably the last phases of their careers, from the bandana brothers of yore to the 2016 Ginebra's own version of the 'Titos of Manila', they are still our 'Fast and Furious' the 'id' of the team, its heart and soul made more evident by their scintillating performance during the Finals' Game 4. They are as hungry as the fans to win this title now.
So this Oct 19, in Game 6, as the balloons or confetti fall down, and that old familiar Gi-ne-bra chant echoes down the halls of the coliseum, and champagne corks and beer cans start to pop, I know my own tears will fall along with the legions of fans. To wash down all those years of pent-up emotions and frustrations - as our team Ginebra again replicate the struggles of life and teaching us lessons along the way - to not give up despite the odds.
And being happy and aware that any one special moment of triumph and pure joy will always be greater than any long years of hardship and disappointments. We know we'll never take it any other way. this has got to be it.
And all because our own 'Kangkong' has now become Kampeon'. From chumps to CHAMPS!