I just realized that despite our mired, wired and weird world, there is still after all an honest-to-goodness craving for the old-fashioned cuddle and sweet conversations that one can only share with those we love.
With most of my days spent interacting geekily, i am mildly amused to find that i still can actually feel much more pleasure on the random, mundane and so-called 'analog' details of life. However much i'm into social media lately, trading barbs, jokes and discussing (and bitching too) about politics and personalities online, & engaging in e-conversations with friends and family, it is nice to know that I still derive the greatest pleasures from the simplest but sweet things brought by actually having 'face time' with those I love.
These sublime experiences are most felt when:
- after a tiring and busy day for both of us, he would commute with me, traffic and all just to hold hands and be close to one another even as we need to go home early for the next day's grind.
- sharing an early dinner or late snack in a cozy restaurant, just enjoying our conversation, or having a drink or two at a nearby bar to pass the time and gaze some more into each others' eyes
- my niece, notwithstanding her frail frame as a result of hyper-activity and fast metabolism, spreading out both her hands in warm welcome to embrace me tightly as I stepped on the front door, showing her love beyond words.
- sharing jokes about life, work and other stuff with colleagues during lunch break.
- having the boss actually share in the office banter, diffusing otherwise tense-filled situations, giving us breather on an otherwise busy day and actually giving not just a breather but also more food for thought as well as for the stomach (read: free snacks and lunch).
- the boss being more of a friend or second mother, with caring words to spare.
- a call from a long-time colleague via landline. Yes, after too much cellphone use, it is pleasurable to share a laugh or two through the old means of communication - the telephone.
- the beloved bringing me a special dish just on that day I was craving for something italian. always will be a sucker for such romantic gestures ;)
- home-cooked meal prepared by my sister just in time to satisfy the cruelest hunger pangs brought by the long and very hot ride home.
- spending QT with niece and seeing the twinkle in her eyes and the innocent smile on her face whenever we go out on a weekend trip to the mall joined by her mother (my sister) and her cute way of saying 'thank you, tita loida' just to show how much she appreciates the time with us. awww!
- when my honey would introduce me proudly to his colleagues and staff as 'she's the one'
- those friends who show their deep concern on any problems I may have, actually finding ways to be of help and almost always with a ready smile and laughter to make my day.
- discussing stuff with long-time friends, about celebrities, our lives, our other friends' lives IN PERSON. not thru mere tweets, SMS or FB chat.
- bonding moments with good friends on a weekend in Makati Medical City to welcome the newborn baby girl of one friend, relishing the miracle and beauty of life as it unfolds before our very eyes, with some pizzas, sodas and goofy moments in front of the camera.
- sharing fun moments, a drink or two (okay, make that three bottles of beer or a glass of vodka or wine) with former colleagues. if it were a credit card commercial, it would be perfect for the tagline 'PRICELESS'.
- voice calls from my cute nephew in Nueva Ecija. Despite the distance, the little cutie would always find ways to stay in touch.
As I say, the internet, the social media, twitter, facebook and all that jazz is a good way to distract oneself from the pitfalls of serious living brought by wage-earning endeavors - a welcome distraction even and may also be a source of creativity and innovation. Still, nothing can beat the pleasure one gets from having to actually touch each other while communicating (vs. touch-screen technology). And despite having to choose our next president via PCOS machines, when it comes to LOVE, whether it is love for our family, friends or the one & only, it is still best enjoyed in SIMPLE REALITY (no AUGMENTED, CHROMED AND HOLOGRAMMED experience to match that).