Ah! What sumptuous feast it is.. At least, that's what a meal with your old, reliable and very Crispy Pata seems to signify. A taste of the fun times shared with people we like. Yes, I've come to look forward to those fun-filled moments, where we not just share a drink of iced-cold San Mig Lite or Strong Ice, or perhaps a frozen margarita but also have our fill of the so-called pulutan topped by that crispy pata. The manner itself of partaking in such a delightful delicacy is consistent to the theme of friendship and teamwork. It's like there is this one whole part of meat or pork that each of you share w/ one another, that you all try to finish together, dipping the crisp & juicy meat into one spicy, sweet and sour concoction (suka't toyo, if you must) and delighting in every morsel and every drop of vinegar on your lips. Something to relish in the same way we relish that special moment of camaraderie, a celebration of friendship. Never imagined that eating out and having a night out that include such food, your simple crispy pata can be equated with fine friendship - truly a feast to savor, and reminding us all that despite our trials, our daily hassles, there is still something in this world worth capturing and worth re-living every now and then..