Found myself caught in a web of web applications (sic).Just when I thought I'd browsed enough sites online to last me a lifetime, I suddenly find myself joining the Twitter bandwagon.
Nothing sensational or life-altering experiences yet. My so-called tweets are just mostly about random musings,whatever comes to mind in a particular moment or a craving for something. But what do you know? Somehow this new medium or social network alternative attracted my ever distracted mind, probably out of curiosity and the continuing search to somehow relieve some emotional burdens and unload pent-up passions and sentiment into cyberspace.
Talk about trying all stuff before finding out whether it's good or bad for me, but hey, I'm always the adventurous and risk-taker kind of person anyway, though it doesn't seem obvious when you look at me. Anyway, i am just exploring this whole Twitter magic and know that it has yet to reach its full potential encouraging a new form of online communications and even a targeted medium for advertising and brand building. I realize too that maybe in about two or three years from now, all these networking sites and blogs(Facebook, My Space, Plurks, Friendster, etc) will soon be replaced by the next killer web application. But for now, it is safe to say that twittering still has a long way to go and for now I am just enjoying it.
And yes, sometimes its also interesting to read about what another person had for breakfast no matter how trivial it may seem. There's just something artistic in putting all those random thoughts together and reducing them to a maximum of 140 character per 'tweet'.
So I guess I'll be twittering more in the days to come.. come and follow me @loidita