The Departure Area or lobby of the NAIA always evokes mixed feelings within me. There was at once a feeling of exhiliration with a tinge of apprehension if I was the one boarding the departing plane with a little sadness thinking of those I'll be leaving behind, however briefly. But nothing can compare to what I feel this morning. Today, I was supposed to send off the love of my life as he prepares for his flight to Dubai but I missed him by a few minutes because of the horrid traffic in Edsa, Makati. I wasn't able to say my prompt goodbyes and only caught him by phone about 20 mins. before he boarded his plane when we hurriedly bid our goodbyes and shouted our 'i love you's' with a promise to stay in touch. It was sad, at the same time I was hit by nostalgia as I went inside the main departure lobby just near the entrance to the boarding gates. Normally, I feel excited stepping into those same passageways and lanes but those days belong to the past, when I was part of the delegates to attend the yearly Time Inc. conferences. Stepping into those same large hallway, surrounded by bustling travelers with a worried look on some OFWs queuing at the check-in counters, brought back those happy memories with people I also cherish and became part of my professional and personal life. But in this case, the feeling was overshadowed by my intense longing for that one special person in my life,who after passing thru those immigration counters may be off to a brand new horizon, while I'm stuck in this country hounded by problems. I just have this feeling inside me that things may never be the same again between us and God only knows what's in store for us, for our relationship, and for our individual lives. If we are meant to be lovers still or will we become just the best of friends in the future. And i am also filled with regret thinking our last few days together before this 21st of Nov. 07 were not enough to bid each other our last farewells.
Such is the irony of airports. The place is teeming with activities, a lot of emotions from people, foreign and locals alike. SOme happy to be leaving the country, others hesitant and fearful, some amazed while those left behind sinks to depression and a feeling of deprivation, of not having to touch or see the face of their loved ones again for a long time. At once a place of euphoria and despair.
But there is brightness too amid the cold, gray skies of this day and the chaos at the departure area, shown by strangers assisting another stranger. I say this based on this morning's experience, when two staff of GulfAir, who perhaps sensing my agitation and disappointment over missing my honey's flight offered to deliver my letter to him in person before his plane took off. And that is one of those unexpected things that we encounter, feeling a stranger's concern over another's plight. Showing us that in times of turmoil and despite the commotions at the airport, there is always plenty of reason to smile, to be amused and be amazed. Again, proving that International airports can both signify a beginning as well as an end...