I noticed that there seems to be a parallel between what is going on with my life to what some people who are close to me are also going through with theirs. either our fates are leaning toward the same direction or some of us are experiencing the opposite but everything seems to happen almost simultaneously, like we are acting on cue on our separate movie scenes. Those events in our lives that disrupt the status quo. Which got me into thinking that we are like spools of thread interwoven into a colorful tapestry.
Or it could be that we are just so affected by what is going on in each others' lives that I feel we are riding on the same boat-some of us on the stern, others on the bow, but still traveling along the same ocean.
But come to think of it, it may not be just us and our small circle of friends and loved ones coming together in this tapestry of life but that would include everyone. Yes, even the strangers we meet each day or that obnoxious person by the road, or the children at play. we are locked into this giant spool where we are all just mere threads, sometimes tied up in knots, others cut short by a giant snip of scissors but all intertwined and bound together in this world.
Connected - that's what we all are. and the web makes it all seem so.. yes, this giant web that keeps us perpetually joined together.