With a storm underway, I couldn't help but think of the perfect way to spend a rainy day when one is trapped indoors and wouldn't dare brave the floods, strong winds and heavy traffic than to plan an appetizing but simple meal.
A meal that would not be a strain on the budget but would just consist of a main ingredient that is easily found within your pantry. Something very easy to cook though not necessarily well-accepted by those averse to pungent odors and dishes. A dish comprised of the lowly 'tuyo' or dried fish.
And here is another way to prepare tuyo especially on a wet and cold morning and with no time to scour the groceries for gourmet tuyo, we can improvise on our cooking and try this 'fried tuyo with a twist' recipe that I learned from my mother:
Fry the tuyo (up to you how many pieces you like) in a pan, cook until slightly brown. Have at least one clove of crushed garlic ready. Set aside the cooked tuyo, then saute the garlic on the pan using the same oil for frying the tuyo. YOu man use olive oil if you want and cook only under medium heat. Put the tuyo back in the mix and pour about three teasponful of vinegar and let simmer for a few seconds,take the heat off and you're done.
You may opt to sprinkle a bit with dried garlic or chili bits for a more spicy creation. Best served with fried rice.
Now who says simple things don't bring great pleasure?