And in this modern day and age, one would think that we have outgrown the mesmerizing stare of the vampire. Yes, I understand the fascination about this immortal creature, at once sexy and menacing - oh, what a lot of girls (and ladies) would like in their men. A mixture of the wild with the mysterious & the strength unmatched by creatures of lesser form.
I know why movies like Twilight, and its sequels and tv shows like Vampire Diaries were such big hits - it's just the lure of the vampire!
Something about vampires we just couldn't resist. That sudden rush, the bliss of an impending bite into one's neck.. somehow we could not help ourselves but embrace the moment knowing that we are either doomed or may suffer immortality. And the fun part about it is we just don't care even if we die from the sharp fangs (when even the glint of that fang can send shivers of delight and horror at one instant). Isn't that the kind of rush one feels when one is deeply in love or enamored with someone?
I know it would be a frightening ordeal to live as an immortal but once the vampire had you in his grip, and breathing down your neck - you just want him to forge ahead afraid that any hesitation on his part may lead you to change your mind or push him away. Not that any push or shove from a mere human like you can put him off but then you just get drawn by that embrace even if it means you will have to live your life forever, even if that is one boring existence, with friends dying on you. that would be a lonely life indeed and one you must share with an equal immortal like Ex-president GMA. Yes, I get the feeling she is an immortal - the lady that just won't fade into the night.
Back to the vampires. It is safe to say that somehow, despite these threats, we are and will always be attracted to the vampire.. that dark, sinister eyes.. which somehow pretty much sums up the kind of relationship I have with my own dark knight.. who is not wearing an armor by the way..