Everyone has a story to tell. Some untold secrets waiting to spring to a lending ear. That lady selling dried fish by the corner of that packed alley, the 'magtataho' plying his wares early in the morning and that jeepney or fx 'barker' who annoys passengers with his incessant calls of 'o dalawa pa sa kaliwa, galaw-galaw, baka kayo ma stroke'.
Scenes we see each day as we walk or drive along busy thoroughfares or wander around malls and shops, that is part of the tale. That cosmetic salesgirl who just couldn't wait for her shift to end so that she can finally meet with her boyfriend. How about your manicurist and hairdresser? One can only guess on what is going on through their heads while they push and pull through each cuticle or sigh through the endless routine of blow-drying people's hairs.
It would be interesting to read people's minds but I have noticed for the past several weeks that with the advent of technology, we are actually somehow getting close to doing that. Whether we like it or not, we have become privy to the thoughts of others - be it our friends, our relatives or even strangers via status on Facebook, or blogs and Twitter. It's akin to speaking all your thoughts aloud whether or not the one hearing it care at all or would actually want to hear it.
Still, there is much to learn, much to dissect on all these interactions or force-fed information. But it is enough to believe that as humans, there is really a need to tell our stories and with a little prodding secrets might even be revealed.
Now what does one do with all these stories? Nothing. Just let it flow. Nobody can dare censure another for having those thoughts or take it against someone who may want to tell others what he just had for dinner, or what shoes she just bought for 4,000 bucks while at the same time lamenting she should have spent it on food instead. We are not being forced to give a damn care but as humans, we must just let the story-teller be and respect his/her thoughts. It wouldn't be good to stop people from thinking aloud or writing openly of their thoughts. That would be such a shame when we are just beginning to enjoy some of their stories.
I say, bring it on..