Glad that the first automated election was finally over, well except for a few percentage of canvassing left but the outcome for the presidency is pretty much decided and we are definitely ushering in the new government of Sen. (err, President) Noynoy Aquino.
I have been actively engaging convos with friends on how I support Noynoy and wish that indeed he becomes the next president. Well, majority of the Filipinos have decided and wish granted. Now comes the hard part. A lot would be looking at us some even with dagger looks I presume, telling us 'how could you?' or worst - actually coming out with a threat (at least one posted at Noynoy's Facebook page that all who voted for him better wear their yellow ribbons, ballers etc so that he can easily identify whom to blame). Wonder where that angst is coming from? I don't think the guy (okay, our President) deserves that when he has yet to assume office. Cynical much?
I think we should all be beyond sourgraping and resentments, for all those whose candidates did not make it, just take a cue from your bets who were sport enough to concede as fast as they can. Now more than ever, the Noynoy supporters are also put on the spot as one wrong move by the chosen president would have some people blaring in our ears 'see, what you have done?' or wearing their i-told-you-so looks (dagger looks). I'm sure some of these people also could not wait to see President Aquino falter in his first years so they can gloat and keep their chins up on the people who voted for the guy. Poor us? No, it would be poor Philippines if we maintain that attitude.
My mindset going into this election is that win or lose, I took a stand and if somebody else's candidate ends up as president then so be it. I always say, I'd rather be wrong than sorry. Meaning, if the candidate whom I have not voted won and actually did something good for the country, then I would have still remained a victor. In essence, let's just be hopeful, try to move forward and support the government any which way we can. In case there would be too much injustice or something worse, we are in a democratic country, so we can all rise again and march to our indignation.
I have to remind everyone, he may not be your candidate, but he is now our president. Ours. And if things turn out for the better, I'm sure you wouldn't mind being wrong as long as you are not sorry. Peace, love and success to us! Cheers!